School contact details
Philips High School
Higher Lane
M45 7PH
Contact: Mrs R Taylor
Telephone: 0161 351 2200
Headteacher: Mr Hibbert
Chair of Governors: Mr J Mallon
SEN Co-ordinator: Mrs F Cooper
Careers Leader: Mrs J Potts
Philips High School is part of Oak Learning Partnership, a charitable, private company, limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Company number 11813193. Registered office address: Oak Learning Partnership, Blackley Close, Unsworth, Bury, BL9 8LY. T: 0161 553 0030.
Our admissions remain managed by Bury local authority.
Admission arrangements 2024/25
Our approach to the curriculum (curriculum policy)
The curriculum our school follows
For more information about our curriculum contact Mrs Potts via tel: 0161 351 2200 or email:
Policy statement on provider access for careers
Sex and Relationships Education Policy
Our SEN Co-ordinator is Mrs F Cooper.
Mrs Cooper can be contacted by email at or by telephone on 0161 351 2200.
Bury’s Local Offer – an online resource detailing services, support and guidance for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Trustee information (on Oak Learning Partnership’s website)
All of the financial information relating to our MAT, Oak Learning Partnership, can be found at the following link:
Careers Leader: Mrs J Potts
Mrs Potts can be contacted by email
or by telephone 0161 351 2200
Summary of our careers programme
Policy statement on provider access
The impact of our careers programme is measured by our leavers' data, found here.
No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more
Executive pay breakdown available on Oak Learning Partnership's website
All policies and documents here are available as a free of charge hard copy upon request, and this website can be translated using Google Translate.