At Philips High School we have pupils with all types and levels of special need, from school support, school support plus an EHCP/statement. We support pupils according to their needs. We realise that all pupils are different and support packages need to be adapted to their needs.
We work with class teachers in order that they effectively differentiate for pupils with SEN within the classroom. We are committed to working with parents and welcome their advice and support and work closely with the local authority support agencies and medical services. We realise that transition from primary to secondary and secondary to college can be a stressful time and therefore run transition programmes and provide support for pupils and parents in conjunction with outside agencies.
Categories of support and provision provided
Pupils are tested on arrival to Philips and are provided with provision according to the severity of their learning difficulty. Pupils can have difficulties with both literacy and numeracy.
- SSA support in class
- HLTA intervention for literacy and numeracy
- SpLD teaching input (small group or individual withdrawal)
- Reading interventions
- Spelling interventions
- Supported homework club
- Differentiation and support from the class teacher
We support pupils with all kinds of medical conditions and physical difficulty; support provided depends on the level of need. We have a fully trained HLTA, who is also a first aider. We work closely with the LA advisory teacher and with the medical services.
- SSA support in class
- Support moving around the building
- Support on school trips
- Physiotherapy programmes
- Support with medication
- Medical passes
- Differentiation in class
- Support with additional equipment requirements
We support pupils with sensory issues and work closely with the LA’s support services in order to provide effective support.
- Differentiation within the classroom
- Support with additional equipment requirements
- Differentiated materials
- Support from sensory services
Pupils with SEMH difficulties respond well to provisions provided. We work closely with the medical services and the Inclusion Support Team (IST) outreach service.
- Differentiation within the classroom
- Mentoring input
- SSA support
- Individual intervention sessions
- Group work sessions, including anger management sessions
- Lesson passes
- Pastoral support
- Support from the IST outreach worker
We support pupils with all levels of communication difficulties and work closely with the LA’s communication difficulties team.
- HLTA intervention and mentoring
- Mentoring input
- SSA support
- Pastoral support
- ‘Super Sevens’ break time club
- The use of a ‘quiet room’ at lunch time
The Philips SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs Cooper who can be contacted by email via or through the school phone number 0161 351 2200.
Our SEND Information Report sets out our provision for students with SEND during their school career at Philips. It explains how students with SEND are:
- Welcomed and integrated into Philips High School
- Identified, monitored and supported in all aspects of school life
- Part of a partnership with parents, carers and school staff
- Supported onto the next pathway of their educational career after Philips High School
Our accessibility plan outlines how we ensure that students, staff and families with SEND are fully included in the life of the school.
We are committed to ensuring that any students with medical conditions will be properly supported so that they can have full and active access to education and school life, including school trips and physical education, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to provide school with up-to-date information about their child’s medical condition, and notify the school immediately if there is a change in the medical needs of their child.
The local education authority of Bury publishes its local offer, free online resources detailing local specialist services, schools, colleges and different organisations that can provide support, advice and guidance for families of children with SEND.
You may need a referral from school to access some of the SEND support services.
The site explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).