
At Philips High School, the health, safety and wellbeing of all our pupils is very important. Our aim is to ensure that our pupils enjoy their time at school and achieve well.

We work in partnership with parents and carers to help pupils to be successful and feel safe.

We have a dedicated team of form tutors who are able to support children with any pastoral needs they may have. It is the form tutor who has regular contact with students through morning and afternoon registration and they should be the first port of call for any concerns or queries regarding your child. Staff at Philips High School value the partnership with parents and carers and believe that involvement in children’s education from home really matters; this is why we are proud to have achieved the Leading Parent Partnership Award.  We ask that communication with home is kept consistent through the weekly signing of your child’s planner, but welcome further contact from parents and carers regarding any aspect of your child’s education.

The pastoral need of each child is also further supported by the Heads of Year team. They can provide further guidance and co-ordinate packages of intervention with external agencies when a child may have additional needs. They also monitor the attendance, attainment and behaviour of their year groups.

As per the Keeping Children Safe in Education Statutory Guidance for schools, we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Miss A Kansik), along with three Deputy Safeguarding Leads (Mrs Dalziel, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Bailey). Mr Evans is the Governor in charge of safeguarding.

On rare occasions where we have concerns regarding a pupil, it may result in the need to consult other agencies, unless it is not safe for the pupil. We always aim to obtain the parent/carer consent for this.

The procedures we follow have been laid down by Bury Integrated Safeguarding Partnership and the school has policies in line with this for the safety of all our pupils.