The art department has its own building consisting of two very large art suites. There are two subject specialists supported by an arts technician.
The National Curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms
Curriculum intent
The art department is committed to providing a rich and varied curriculum that fosters curiosity, develops learners’ opinions about the world around them and prepares all for life beyond school.
Our curriculum is reviewed and developed frequently to ensure that skills and knowledge are interleaved and mastered over time. It is designed so that students have the opportunity to practise designing and making skills; build on their knowledge and understanding of artistic practice; have a practical application of as wide a range of media & techniques as available and to also include opportunities for critical evaluation of a broad range of artists, designers, craftspeople, photographers and cultures.
Students will be made aware of how each project we cover is linked to skill sets or knowledge already acquired and how the contents and skills within each project, are linked to everyday life or specific occupations or professions, so they can see the relevance of their learning.
We intend that students will make progress, develop their own interests and opinions and achieve their potential through:
- a linked curriculum that offers the opportunity to work in 2&3 dimensions;
- listening to and acting upon pupil voice to ensure ownership and engagement;
- assessment, feedback, reflection and improvement of work to develop skills;
- interleaving and revisiting skills to build mastery and confidence;
- visiting and bringing professionals in to speak to students about their occupation;
- opportunities for independent learning, pair and group work.
What do students study in art?
Key stage 3 curriculum overview
Colour Theory, Bugs, Portraits, Figure Drawing, Character Design (Tim Burton)
Abstract Art, 3D Letters, Landscape
Architecture, Tunnel Books, Ben Heine
Key stage 4 curriculum overview
Eduqas 9-1: Portfolio, externally set assignment
Eduqas 9-1: Portfolio, externally set assignment